
Bill Viola: Habitar las obras

«Los cuadros antiguos eran solo un punto de partida. No me interesaba apropiarme o reelaborar nada; quería entrar en esas obras, prestarles mi cuerpo, habitarlas, sentirlas respirar. Se trataba en definitiva de sus dimensiones espirituales, no de su forma visual.
En cuanto a mi planteamiento general, consistía en llegar a la fuente original de mis emociones y a la naturaleza de la expresión emocional misma... En mi propia experiencia vital me veía arrastrado por la poderosa fuerza de la emociones y esta era mucho más profunda que el mero sentimentalismo que me habían enseñado a evitar. Sentía que, como artista, necesitaba entenderlo mejor».

Bill Viola: Las pasiones, Madrid, 2004

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"The old pictures were just the starting point. I was not interested in appropriation or restaging; I wanted to get inside these pictures, to embody them, to inhabit them, to feel them breathe. Ultimately, it became about their spiritual dimensions, not the visual form. As to my concept in general, it was to get to the root source of my emotions and the nature of emotional expression itself. In my art training in the 70’s, that was a place you did not go, a forbidden zone. This is so even today. But from my own life experience I found myself completely taken over by this powerful emotional force, and it was so much deeper that the mere sentimentality I was taught to avoid. I felt that as an artist I needed to understand this better".

Zurbarán: Inmaculada Concepción, 1630

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